Loving God. Loving Others.
Join Us for Worship!
Service Times
Worship: 8:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.
Classes: 9:45 A.M.
Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 P.M.
Classes: 6:00 P.M.
7727 Cedar Dr. Colcord, OK 74338
February 23
Kingpins Bowling Fellowship
April 4-6
Women of Joy Conference
Annie Armstrong Offering
March 2-9
Extraordinary Women Conference
Feb 28-March 1
Ministry Meetings
Taekwondo Ministry
Every Monday and Tuesday 6 PM - 8 PM
Senior Saints Luncheon
Meets the 3rd Saturday of each month 11 AM
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Meets the 1st Saturday of each month 9 AM
Women’s Fellowship
Meets the 1st Saturday of each month 5 PM
Men’s Discipleship Class
Every Thursday 6 PM-7 PM
Who We Are
Calvary Baptist Church is a church located in West Siloam, Oklahoma. Our church has been a part of the Southern Baptist Convention since we opened our doors in 1947. Our mission is to love God and love others through serving in our local community as well as opening our doors to all people. Calvary is continually growing under the blessing of the strong leadership of our pastor and deacons. We seek to share the gospel with our local community and people around the world through our supported missionaries.
Women of Purpose Journal
‘Connecting with & encouraging one another in spiritual growth.’