Upcoming Events.

Fall Festival
Come join us for our annual Fall Festival! Kids Activities begin at 5 PM. Meal will be at 6 PM. Bonfire and Hayride to follow. Bring your own lawn chair!
Senior Saints Fellowship
Dan and Kathy Henson will be sharing information about their ministry, Feed My Sheep Squared. Potluck Theme: Fall Dishes

Announcement: Committees and Teams
If you would like to be considered to serve on a Committee or Team, please let the Nominating Committee (Hank, Lori, or Mary) know no later than Oct. 16th.
We need 1 member for the Benevolence Committee, 2 for the Nominating Committee, 1 for the Personnel Committee, and 1 for the Trustee Committee.
Committees open only to members in good standing.
Teams are open to members and non-members. Leader must be a church member. We need 3 for the Audio/Visual Team (see Hank), 2 for the B&G Team (see Lonnie), Outreach Team (see Floyd), Usher/Safety Team (see Robbie) & Hospitality/Decoration/Event Planning (see Robin).
There will be a Budget Information Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 13th for all Committee and Team leaders, to help you plan your budgets. This will include Tammie, Ashleigh, Hope and Ben of the Finance Committee. Included are Steven M., Karrie P., Lonnie T., Robin W., Floyd M., Derek M., Rachelle H., and Pastor Wes. The meeting, at 4:30 PM, will be a quick and simple meeting to help you plan your budget request.
Budget requests are needed no later than the 27th of this month.
Thanks to each of you for all you do to make our church the best it can be,
Hank (214-533-7848, chefhank@me.com)

Community Prayer Walk for Our Schools
Meet at Siloam Springs High School at 9 AM for a brief explanation of prayer walking and then peel off to your area school of choice to PRAY. The first 100 prayer walkers will receive a FREE tee shirt and a water bottle.
If walking is a challenge, please bring a lawn chair and pray at your school of choice!

God and Country Day
We will be celebrating God and Country during the morning services. Fireworks and Fellowship start at 6 PM.

Vacation Bible School
Join us for Vacation Bible School: Jesus Loves The Little Children…Running for the Prize!

Manna Worldwide Speaker Shane Rader
Shane Rader with Manna Worldwide will be here for both morning services.

Easter Service
Join us as we worship our Risen Savior this Easter! We will not hold our evening services that night.